Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Patient Education

What sets Colen Ventures above the rest?

Why choose our Medi-DVDs over other media based educational products?

Colen Ventures only utilizes the most familiar and easy to use interactive platforms for the presentation of our Medi-DVDs. Both TV and iPad provide a simple and straightforward way for patients to assimilate necessary medical information related to increasing level of understanding of procedures they may be considering.

Medical professionals can relay copious amounts of factual information to their patients about a procedure, but it is only when the patient is actually able to visualize the process that an optimal level of understanding is achieved.

Increased patient understanding ultimately leads to increased patient satisfaction.

The procurement of a more comprehensive knowledge base will increase patient confidence, thus allowing for the patient to make better-informed decisions about different routes for treatment. Patients will feel better about elected procedures, which can in turn result in better post-operative patient outcomes.

Better outcomes promote your practice!

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